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The desire to free oneself from conditioning only furthers conditioning. But if, instead of trying to suppress desire, one understands the whole proce
What is the intention, the meaning of education? What is the relationship between the educator and the student? There is no teacher separate from the taught. The teacher isn'
Can man ever be free, not only of the superficial conditioning of a particular culture, but also of the much deeper conditioning, of which most of us are unconscious? The dema
MZ: Sir would you like to go into the basic question of conditioning, its effect on our thinking and what we can do about it? K: I wonder what we mean
Do you think a special meeting, or gathering like this, is necessary for the young people? Audience: Yes. K: I said, fortunately, or unfortunately, th
We are going to talk over together - as usual together - about education, this morning, but before we do that I would like to make an introduction abo
Can the brain ever be free from all the programming it has received? Is this possible through watching the very activity of thought? This watchfulness makes the brain extraord
Can the brain ever be free from all the programming it has received? Is this possible through watching the very activity of thought? This watchfulness makes the brain extraord
What is the intention, the meaning of education? What is the relationship between the educator and the student? There is no teacher separate from the taught. The teacher isn'
Questioner: You have talked a great deal about conditioning and have said that one must be free of this bondage, otherwise one remains imprisoned alwa