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What is the intention, the meaning of education? What is the relationship between the educator and the student? There is no teacher separate from the taught. The teacher isn'
What is the intention, the meaning of education? What is the relationship between the educator and the student? There is no teacher separate from the taught. The teacher isn'
We are going to talk over together - as usual together - about education, this morning, but before we do that I would like to make an introduction abo
What is the function of an educator? Why in the modern world are children so violent, disorganized? What is meditation? Meditation is to cleanse the mind of every form of dece
A documentary on Oak Grove School, Ojai, California
What is the relationship between self-knowledge and education? How shall I teach history or mathematics so as to convey knowledge of the subject and at the same time to know
Q: You are working toward the realisation of a new school in the Ojai Valley, an educational centre. Why another school? Q: Would you mind taking those three words: 'whole', '
Here is a probing inquiry into the need for a true education which can lead to freedom from conflict individually and so globally. Krishnamurti stress
THE ignorant man is not the unlearned, but he who does not know himself, and the learned man is stupid when he relies on books, on knowledge and on au
THE ignorant man is not the unlearned, but he who does not know himself, and the learned man is stupid when he relies on books, on knowledge and on au