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The craving to become causes fears; to be, to achieve, and so to depend engenders fear. The state of the non-fear is not negation, it is not the oppos
Why are you afraid of death? Is it perhaps because you do not know how to live? If you knew how to live fully, would you be afraid of death? If you lo
How does desire come into being and why does it play such an extraordinary part in one's life? Greed is a form of desire. Greed is encouraged by industrialists and advertisem
Fear of death. Escapes from being alone. Death and isolation. Thought creates fragmentation as the body, the psyche and death. Thought, wanting security, has isolated itself.
Fear is the process of time. Fear is the way of thought.
The word ‘fear’ is not fear. But for most of us, the word has become important, not only with regard to fear but with regard to God, with
Questioner: I used to take drugs but now I am free of them. Why am I so frightened of everything? I wake up in the mornings paralysed with fear. I can
Questioner: I used to take drugs but now I am free of them. Why am I so frightened of everything? I wake up in the mornings paralysed with fear. I can
Q: What is fear? Are you afraid of something? What do you mean by fear? What is the feeling that you have when you are frightened? What is the motivation, what starts fear, th
Where there is dependency there is fear and the pain of that which you depend upon being taken away. Can the mind be totally free of the accumulated fears of society and cult