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Knowledge is the self.
In our search for knowledge, in our acquisitive desires, we are losing love, we are blunting the feeling for beauty, the sensitivity to cruelty; we ar
Knowledge is always in the past. Knowledge is always limited.
How do we prevent the misuse of knowledge? What is the function of knowledge? What is the function of a teacher? What is it we are basically attempting to do here? The knowled
Thought is the common denominator of our existence. Is thought responsible for conflict between human beings? Apparently we have never questioned why we tolerate conflict, not
Thought is the common denominator of our existence. Is thought responsible for conflict between human beings? Apparently we have never questioned why we tolerate conflict, not
When consciousness invents a super-consciousness is it a part of thought aware of the past? Is there a part of the brain which has not been touched by the known? Is it our edu
Why do we have beliefs? If you don't accept anything but are actually capable of observing, there is no necessity for any belief. Since knowledge has not changed man radically
I am sorry we have such foul weather. We have been talking over together this whole materialistic attitude towards life. The word materialism means ha
You cannot have knowledge about a living thing. You can have knowledge about something which is past, and all knowledge is in the past.