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When there is fear, is there love? Is attachment love? What is the relationship of love to suffering? The more intense the challenge, the greater the energy demanded to meet
What do you think love is? When one says, 'I love you,' what does it mean? What is the depth of it, the full significance of it? In attachment there is fear. Do you know th
... When there is love, there is no duty. When you love your wife, you share everything with her—your property, your trouble, your anxiety, your
love is not pleasure
Attention implies care, to look with care at one's own life, one's way of thinking and activity. You cannot care if there is no affection. Without freedom, total freedom, the
What is your response to the way the world is? What is the movement that brings about total harmony in a human being? What is love? What is beauty? Co-operation and working to
When there is fear, is there love? Is attachment love? What is the relationship of love to suffering? The more intense the challenge, the greater the energy demanded to meet
What do you think love is? When one says, 'I love you,' what does it mean? What is the depth of it, the full significance of it? In attachment there is fear. Do you know th
I believe there will be another talk tomorrow and that will be the end of this session. We have been talking over together during the last four meetin