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Is there time in the very action of thought? Beauty is truth as love is truth. Is beauty when the observer is not? Death means you hold on to nothing. Can you live with death,
Next year we will have to have a bigger tent! (laughter) One hopes that you have had a pleasant week: instructive, learning and exploring into oneself
Is there time in the very action of thought? Beauty is truth as love is truth. Is beauty when the observer is not? Death means you hold on to nothing. Can you live with death,
Does knowledge interfere with a religious life? The movement away from the fact does not bring about the understanding of the fact. When there is suffering, is that sufferin
It is the nature of the petty mind to belong to something. It is the nature of mediocrity, which is rampant in the world, to be concerned out of propo
Do we realize that we are the world and the world is us? Can we together understand the world, ourselves and our relationship to the world? Can we inquire together into why we
What is disorder? Why do we have ideals? One of the major factors of a life which is disorderly is trying to change 'what is' into 'what should be'. Psychologically, inwardly,
What is disorder? Why do we have ideals? One of the major factors of a life which is disorderly is trying to change 'what is' into 'what should be'. Psychologically, inwardly,
Does knowledge interfere with a religious life? The movement away from the fact does not bring about the understanding of the fact. When there is suffering, is that sufferin
May we go on with what we were talking about the last two talks. First of all I would like to remind you if I may, this is not an intellectual enterta