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Showing 1 - 10 of 1979
Q: Is there a difference between reality and truth? All the things that thought has put together - literature, poetry, painting, illusions, gods and symbols - that is reality
Truth is not a word.
Is God to be found by seeking him out? Can you search after the unknowable? To find, you must know what you are seeking. If you seek to find, what you
Q: Is there a difference between reality and truth? All the things that thought has put together - literature, poetry, painting, illusions, gods and symbols - that is reality
Narayan: Mr. Feroz Meta is a scientist and has written a book about a couple of years ago, The Heart of Religion, which was very well received. He cam
I suppose one must talk. There are not only personal problems, and the world in which we live is becoming more and more dangerous for all living thing
What will resolve our problems fundamentally if thought cannot? Are you aware of the movement of thought as time, measure, the real and the unreal? What is my relationship to
What is the relationship between awareness and truth? Is fact different from reality? Is reality different from truth? If you observe very closely without any prejudice, sens
What is truth and what is reality? Anything that thought thinks about or reflects upon or projects, that is reality. And that reality has nothing to do with truth. The art of
Krishnamurti's 'process' and his early years. Suffering. The Indian tradition says that there is a manifestation of goodness which happens very rarely. Truth does not belong t